Donate Bitcoin to EB Research Partnership | The Giving Block

EB Research Partnership


EB Research Partnership

Mission Statement

Founded in 2010 by a dedicated group of parents and Jill and Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam, EB Research Partnership (EBRP) is the largest global nonprofit dedicated to funding research aimed at treating and ultimately curing Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB), a group of devastating and life-threatening skin disorders that affect children from birth. 

Why Donate to EB Research Partnership?

EBRP utilizes an innovative venture philanthropy business model. When making a grant to a research project, we retain the added upside of generating a recurring revenue stream if the therapy or product is commercially successful, then use the return on investment to fund additional EB research. Your crypto donation has the ability to generate multiples of its original value until a cure is found. Further, the cutting-edge research funded by EBRP not only has the potential to cure EB, but provide paths to cures for the 7,000 other rare diseases that affect 10% of the global population. 

Learn More

 Twitter: @ebresearch

Total donations include contributions from Impact Index Funds – all USD amounts are estimates based on exchange rate at time of transaction and are not reflections of the current value of any cryptocurrency at time of viewing.

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