
Donation Donation Form | The Giving Block List of Nonprofits Accepting Bitcoin & Crypto Donations A comprehensive list of nonprofits and charities accepting crypto donations.
Donation Donation Form | The Giving Block How to Keep Donors Engaged in a Recession Prepare your nonprofit for success by implementing some of these tactics to keep donors engaged during recessions or economic downturns.
Donation Donation Form | The Giving Block 5 Reasons to Offer Your Donors More Giving Options Accepting different types of donations can help nonprofits to diversify funding, acquire new donors, and unlock major gifts.
Donation Donation Form | The Giving Block 7 Tips to Convert One-Time Donors into Major Donors Converting one-time donors into major donors requires a strategic approach. Follow these tips to get started.
Donation Donation Form | The Giving Block 8 Types of Donations That Nonprofits Accept Learn about several types of charitable donations your nonprofit should consider accepting.
Donation Donation Form | The Giving Block How Shifting Demographics Impact Philanthropy As the demographics of our society change, the motivations, interests, and giving behaviors of donors change, too.
Donation Donation Form | The Giving Block What is Peer-to-Peer Fundraising? Learn what peer-to-peer campaigns are, and how they can help your nonprofit reach its annual revenue goals.
Donation Donation Form | The Giving Block Crypto Taxes: How Does Donating Bitcoin Affect My Taxes? For the last few years, the tax treatment of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin in the United States was based on one document.
Donation Donation Form | The Giving Block How Market Cycles Influence Charitable Giving Get familiar with market cycle phases, historical insights on recessions and philanthropy, and current trends that could impact charitable giving.

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