Donate Bitcoin to Americans for the Arts | The Giving Block

Americans for the Arts


Americans for the Arts

Mission Statement

Our mission is to build recognition and support for the extraordinary and dynamic value of the arts and to lead, serve, and advance the diverse networks of organizations and individuals who cultivate the arts in America.

Connecting your best ideas and leaders from the arts, communities, and business, together we can work to ensure that every American has access to the transformative power of the arts. 

Why Donate to Americans for the Arts?

Your donation of cryptocurrency will provide immediate support for Americans for the Arts to continue to advance the arts and arts education nationwide. Our name is not just our message; it’s our formula for success. We can do what we do because we work together. Your contribution to Americans for the Arts supports our work to unlock the power of the arts to build better lives, better communities, and a better nation.

Since 1960, Americans for the Arts has focused on infusing the arts into all spheres of American society—from the board room to the classroom. Through connections, collaborations, and partnerships, we are working to realize a shared vision: all the arts for all the people. 

Make crypto one of the greatest forces for good on the planet when you donate to Americans for the Arts today!

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There’s a reason high net worth individuals tend to donate property instead of cash. Donating cryptocurrency directly to a 501c3 nonprofit is more tax efficient and can save you money.


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