California Rangeland Trust
California Rangeland Trust
Mission Statement
California Rangeland Trust serves the land, people, and wildlife by conserving California’s working landscapes.
Why Donate to California Rangeland Trust?
Think about the most beautiful part of your morning drive to work. Chances are, it’s open space. It could be a stretch of grassland, rolling hills, or distant mountains peppered with cattle. Now imagine passing that same spot one day and seeing it filled with bulldozers, cement trucks, and developers.
At California Rangeland Trust, our goal is to conserve rangeland across the state and protect it for future generations to come. We’re approaching 100 ranches conserved with over 400,000 acres of beautiful open space! Your gift brings us closer to that exciting milestone. Help us continue to preserve rangeland while capturing all of its benefits – fostering carbon sequestration, providing local and healthy food choices, and protecting important corridors for vulnerable species across California.

TAX ID: 31-1631453 • 501(c)3 • USA

5 donations and counting!

$3,363 raised!
Total donations include contributions from Impact Index Funds – all USD amounts are estimates based on exchange rate at time of transaction and are not reflections of the current value of any cryptocurrency at time of viewing.