Donate Bitcoin to Court Watch NOLA | The Giving Block

Court Watch NOLA


Court Watch NOLA

Mission Statement

Court Watch NOLA fights for transparency, accountability, and transformative justice in the New Orleans criminal courts and beyond. We want to live and work in a safe, vibrant, and equitable world with liberation and justice for every person. CWN community volunteers monitor all criminal-legal actors: prosecutors, judges, police, deputy sheriffs, private defense, public defenders and clerk of courts.

Court Watch NOLA owes our very existence to the generosity of individual donors, the local businesses community, and local foundations. Crypto donation funds go directly to expanding our volunteer base which enables us to watch more cases, issue more comprehensive reports on a more frequent basis, and increase the amount of information disseminated to the public. Crypto donations also play an important role in helping Court Watch educate our community members about what is happening in our courts. Our goal is to shift the power back to the community through outreach and civic engagement. 

Why Donate to Court Watch NOLA?

Cryptocurrency donations allow Court Watch NOLA to respond quickly and efficiently to whistleblowers and court room observations. The ability to respond rapidly to potential and verified injustices within the court is essential to keeping those with power held accountable. 

Learn More

 Twitter: @CourtWatchNOLA

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