Support this Crypto Fundraiser for Direct Relief | The Giving Block

Direct Relief


Direct Relief

Mission Statement

Direct Relief is a humanitarian aid organization, active in all 50 states and more than 80 countries, with a mission to improve the health and lives of people affected by poverty or emergencies – without regard to politics, religion, or ability to pay. 

Why Donate to Direct Relief?

Giving is good medicine.
Direct Relief’s programs – which focus on emergency preparedness and disaster response and the prevention and treatment of disease – are tailored to the particular circumstances and needs of the world’s most at-risk populations. Direct Relief honors the generosity of its donors by following a firm policy of full transparency in all of its operations. This tradition of transparent, direct, and targeted assistance, provided in a manner that respects and involves the people served, has been a hallmark of the organization since its founding in 1948 by refugee war immigrant William Zimdin.

Everything Direct Relief does, every person whose life is saved or improved, stems from an act of generosity that’s purely voluntary. You don’t have to donate. That’s why it’s so extraordinary when you do.
Thank you for being part of Direct Relief. 

Total donations include contributions from Impact Index Funds – all USD amounts are estimates based on exchange rate at time of transaction and are not reflections of the current value of any cryptocurrency at time of viewing.

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