Friends of Bonobos
Friends of Bonobos
Mission Statement
We’re on a mission to save and protect bonobos and their rainforest home – forever.
We do this through rescue, sanctuary, and rewilding, and by partnering with local communities to tackle root causes and save rainforest.
Why Donate to Friends of Bonobos?
Bonobos could go extinct in our lifetime. We’re on a mission to stop that.
Bonobos are unique! These great apes are peaceful, cooperative, and kind. In bonobo society, females are in charge. We share 98.7% of our DNA with them and in many ways, they represent the best side of human nature. Unfortunately, they are also endangered.
Your gift funds critical bonobo conservation in the only country they are found – the Democratic Republic of Congo:
– You will be providing rescue, sanctuary and rewilding.
– You will be saving rainforest where bonobos live.
– You will be helping us educate and raise awareness for bonobos and their plight locally and globally.
– And you will be supporting critical work with communities and government that tackles the root causes of bonobo endangerment for the long haul.
– $100,000 releases a group of bonobos back to the wild – where they belong!
– $25,000 provides food, fun and medicine for a year to all the orphaned baby bonobos in the nursery
– $5,000 provides an orphaned bonobo with a surrogate mother for a year
– $3,000 provides a dugout canoe to the rainforest field staff
– $250 provides an entire month of wildlife eco-guards and rainforest protection for 1000 acres
Learn More

TAX ID: 20-0347301 • 501(c)3 • USA

38 donations and counting!

$263,339 raised!
Total donations include contributions from Impact Index Funds – all USD amounts are estimates based on exchange rate at time of transaction and are not reflections of the current value of any cryptocurrency at time of viewing.