Donate Bitcoin to Habitat for Humanity Australia | The Giving Block

Habitat for Humanity Australia

Through shelter, we empower.


Habitat for Humanity Australia

Through shelter, we empower.

Mission Statement

Habitat for Humanity’s vision is of a world where everyone has a safe and decent place to live. 

Why Donate to Habitat for Humanity Australia?

We believe it all starts at home. We believe a stable, secure home creates the foundation for change. A safe home gives people the opportunity to be healthier, happier, and more secure, and for children to be better nourished and better educated. We believe building a decent home provides much more than bricks and mortar – it provides real hope for the future.

Donating cryptocurrency is an exciting new way to support Habitat’s mission in a tax effective way. 

Make crypto one of the greatest forces for good on the planet when you donate to Habitat for Humanity Australia today!

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