Donate Bitcoin to Kennedy Children's Center | The Giving Block

Kennedy Children’s Center


Kennedy Children’s Center

Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide high quality education services to young children with developmental delays, in partnership with families and communities. Our child-centered, evidence-based instruction prepares each student to enter the New York City public school system in the least restrictive environment possible.

We support families with training, guidance, and advocacy, and strengthen our school community through professional development and collaborations with local human service organizations. KCC is also committed to empowering a new generation of early childhood educators through our Grow Your Own Teacher Assistant and Teacher Training Program (GYO). 

Why Donate to Kennedy Children’s Center?

Your gift will help support more than 400 young children with special needs and their families at the start of their educational journey. Your gift will also strengthen communities and help address the ongoing teacher shortage crisis by helping KCC train un-and-underemployed people of color from low-income communities to become certified teacher assistants and teachers. 

Learn More

 Donation website:

Total donations include contributions from Impact Index Funds – all USD amounts are estimates based on exchange rate at time of transaction and are not reflections of the current value of any cryptocurrency at time of viewing.

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