LAVA, Inc.
LAVA, Inc.
Mission Statement
LAVA, Inc. is a strong defender of women, children, minorities, seniors, the homeless, and the most vulnerable among us. LAVA, Inc. is committed to providing more opportunities to those in need.
Why Donate to LAVA, Inc.?
Your generous support empowers LAVA by providing a “primer” to rally support from other foundations and corporations, creating awareness in our communities on teen suicide, the opioid epidemic, and human trafficking. Funds help educate our seniors to avoid being caught in fraudulent scams, provide protection for law enforcement and contributions to student scholarship funds.

TAX ID: 81-4835030 • 501(c)3 • USA

2 donations and counting!

$672 raised!
Total donations include contributions from Impact Index Funds – all USD amounts are estimates based on exchange rate at time of transaction and are not reflections of the current value of any cryptocurrency at time of viewing.