MSI United States
MSI United States
Mission Statement
We are one of the largest reproductive healthcare providers in the world, making choice possible for women and girls in 36 countries across Latin America, Africa, Asia, Europe, and Australia.
Why Donate to MSI United States?
Your crypto donation will provide women with contraception, safe abortions and care after unsafe abortions. And all the opportunity choice brings.
Just $320 will enable 10 women to have contraception for four years, helping each to complete her education – which has been found to increase her future earning potential by up to 20%. With your gift equivalent to $3,200, you can scale your impact to change 100 women’s lives.
Crypto worth the equivalent of $1,290 will keep an MSI outreach team on the road for three months so we can bring choice to remote communities with no other safe option for services. A gift equivalent to $12,900 will send 10 teams out into the field.
And crypto worth the equivalent of $100,000 will fund one of our digital contact centers for a year, enabling us to provide counseling and resources to over 60,000 clients.
Learn More

TAX ID: 54-1901882 • 501(c)3 • USA

3 donations and counting!

$24,744 raised!
Total donations include contributions from Impact Index Funds – all USD amounts are estimates based on exchange rate at time of transaction and are not reflections of the current value of any cryptocurrency at time of viewing.