Neurodiversity Education Research Center


Neurodiversity Education Research Center

Mission Statement

Neurodiversity Education Research Center is a partner to the neurodivergent community that includes students and their families and opens doors to opportunity through innovative academic and support strategies and partnerships. In our unique, effective learning environment, neurodivergent individuals can build skills and prepare to successfully transition to college and the workforce with the social-emotional resources and networks that help them succeed.

Your financial support ensures that students, families, researchers, therapists, and educators have access to resources, connections, and advice that create an environment where neurodivergent individuals have access to quality school and college programs and build careers with the social-emotional resources and networks that help them succeed. 

Why Donate to Neurodiversity Education Research Center?

Why Donate Cryptocurrency to Support Autistic Students?

Your gifts to the Annual Fund make a difference

Each year, NERC’s Science Prep Academy Annual Fund donors create opportunities for students and faculty by funding critical operating needs such as academic instruction tools, faculty salaries, facility fees, technology, physical fitness/sports, and many other extracurricular activities. Ultimately, Annual Fund donors are critical to sustaining our ability to make Science Prep Academy a supportive environment for autistic students to learn and grow.

Your gifts to the Capital Campaign make a difference

Neurodiversity Education Research Center has a dynamic vision for the future that will create education, career, and life opportunities for neurodivergent students. Your Capital Gifts allow us to dream big about strengthening infrastructure by enhancing academic tools & strategies; increasing mental health support; expanding STEM workforce development; and thinking about a permanent home for Science Prep Academy and the Neurodiversity Education Research Center headquarters. Your major gifts make those dreams possible.


For more information about NERC’s Science Prep Academy Annual Fund or the Capital Campaign please contact Kenneth Mims at [email protected] 

Learn More

 Twitter: @Nercenter

Total donations include contributions from Impact Index Funds – all USD amounts are estimates based on exchange rate at time of transaction and are not reflections of the current value of any cryptocurrency at time of viewing.

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