Pet Partners

Pet Partners therapy animal teams visit millions of people, providing joy, warmth, and comfort.


Pet Partners

Pet Partners therapy animal teams visit millions of people, providing joy, warmth, and comfort.

Mission Statement

Long before the human-animal bond was documented to improve health, the Pet Partners’ founders observed the positive impacts of pets on patient well-being, including lowered blood pressure, reduced anxiety and stress, promotion of physical activity and movement, and many other benefits. So, in 1977 our founders put their proven theories into everyday application by creating the Pet Partners Therapy Animal Program, which now registers and supports nearly 7,600 therapy animal teams across the United States who provide comfort and healing to the people they visit. We provide the best education available for our animal handlers, preparing them to conduct pet visits for the elderly, bring dogs to the classroom, veterans’ centers, courtrooms, workplaces, and more. The Pet Partners mission is to improve human-health and well-being through the human-animal bond. 

Why Donate to Pet Partners?

When someone is experiencing loneliness, there is nothing like the joy an unexpected furry friend entering a room brings. This is especially true for those who have been hospitalized and are deeply missing their own pets and the routine of every-day life. Nurse Natalie was amazed at the positive impact therapy dog Josey had on her patient, “Jeannie and Josey came in to support my hospice patient at a very sad and dark time of her life. She was a young patient who had to move out of her home, leaving her beloved dog with a friend out of state. Jeannie was warm and friendly and Josey was so cuddly, loving and sweet. Our patient smiled the whole visit, giving lots of pets, and forgetting about her physical and emotional pain. She died soon after this visit but I will always be thankful for the peace and love Jeannie and Josey’s visit brought our patient and her family.” 

Learn More

 Donation website:
 Twitter: @pet_partners

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