Project HOPE

Responding to the Morocco earthquake, the Ukraine war, & saving lives globally. #CryptoforHOPE


Project HOPE

Responding to the Morocco earthquake, the Ukraine war, & saving lives globally. #CryptoforHOPE

Mission Statement

Project HOPE is a global health and disaster relief org saving lives of children & families, responding to the Morocco earthquake, the Turkey & Syria earthquakes, providing aid to Ukraine, fighting COVID-19, & responding to global health crises and natural disasters.

We act quickly to save lives amidst earthquakes, hurricanes & conflict. We also focus on access to global mental health care & helping young mothers & their children survive & thrive.

For more than 60 years, Project HOPE has transformed the health and well-being of people and communities around the world. We work on the front lines of the world’s health challenges, partnering hand-in-hand with communities, health care workers and public health systems to ensure sustainable change.

Our mission: Placing power in the hands of local health workers to save lives in their communities around the world. 

Why Donate to Project HOPE?

Your emergency help is needed to provide an urgent boost of HOPE to people in crisis.

You can provide HOPE for:

Morocco. Many children and families are in desperate need of lifesaving aid — especially in hard-to-reach remote villages. Our focus is on assisting search and rescue operations with our local partners who have deployed emergency health workers, a surgical rescue unit and ambulances.

Ukraine. They still desperately need medicines, equipment, generators, water, hygiene kits, & mental health support. Ukraine needs you now more than ever.

Turkey & Syria earthquake survivors. They need shelter, medical care, clean water, food, clothing, mental health support & more.

Children & families in Ethiopia impacted by drought & conflict. They need emergency food, nutrition & health support.

Refugees in Colombia who’ve fled turmoil in Venezuela. They need lifesaving health care for pregnant women & newborn infants, & medical equipment for overburdened hospital maternity wards.

In places of crisis, you can give people an urgently needed boost of HOPE.


= $5 can provide a thermal blanket to an earthquake survivor.
= $13 can deliver an infant care kit to care for Ukrainian babies.
= $25 can provide a disaster hygiene kit to 10 earthquake survivors.
= $50 can provide emergency medical supplies to meet the needs of 67 people for 3 months.
= $300 can provide a ventilator to save the lives of newborns.
= $1,500 can hire a psychologist to help Ukrainian kids w/ mental health.
= $2,000 can build a playground for Ukrainian refugee children. 

Total donations include contributions from Impact Index Funds – all USD amounts are estimates based on exchange rate at time of transaction and are not reflections of the current value of any cryptocurrency at time of viewing.

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