Space for Giants USA


Space for Giants USA

Mission Statement

Space for Giants protects Africa’s remaining natural ecosystems and the large wild animals they contain, while bringing major social and economic value to local communities and national governments. Space for Giants works to stop the illegal wildlife trade and to cultivate new investment and partnerships to provide long-term protection of natural habitats while providing benefits to the local populations which coexist with wildlife. It is headquartered in Kenya, works in ten countries in Africa, and is a registered U.K. charity and a 501(c)3 non-profit in the U.S. 

Why Donate to Space for Giants USA?

Cryptocurrency is a global form of exchange and ideally suited for investment in the global problem of climate change. Space for Giants works in Africa where non-traditional money exchange systems have long flourished and cryptocurrency is widely used. As a nonprofit, best practices require that Space for Giants immediately convert cryptocurrency donations into cash to prevent speculative investment of donor funds. Those funds will be used to purchase conservation land, train anti-poaching forces and protect the vast natural ecosystems of Africa. 

Learn More

 Donation website:
 Twitter: @SpaceforGiants

Total donations include contributions from Impact Index Funds – all USD amounts are estimates based on exchange rate at time of transaction and are not reflections of the current value of any cryptocurrency at time of viewing.

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