Teen Lifeline


Teen Lifeline

Mission Statement

The mission of Teen Lifeline is to prevent teen suicide in Arizona through enhancing resiliency in youth and fostering supportive communities.

Our work supports the vision of a world where all youth possess a sense of connectedness and hope for their future. 

Why Donate to Teen Lifeline?

Since 1986, Teen Lifeline has focused on helping teens in Arizona. Through our crisis hotline and texting service, teens can receive help from Peer Counselors—volunteers ages 15-19—with any problem they might have. From issues with friends or at home to self-harm and thoughts of suicide, our Peer Counselors are prepared to listen and to help. Each Peer Counselor undergoes over 72 hours of training and is supervised at all times by Masters-level clinicians. In 2023, Teen Lifeline answered nearly 48,000 calls and texts. Peer Counselors volunteered 20,000 hours!

To foster supportive communities, Teen Lifeline works with schools, districts, and communities to educate people on ways to prevent suicide. Our prevention team speaks with students, teachers, parents, and other community members to create the supportive community teens need, which saves lives. Additionally, our Caring Contact program supports teens recently discharged from in-patient psychiatric care after a mental health crisis for the first year of recovery, a time when they are at higher risk of suicide. With our Peer Counselors, this program offers support through texts, calls, and letters sent throughout that first year to increase connectedness and hope while reducing future hospitalizations.

Our services are free to the community so that cost never stands in the way of a teen who needs help. With your support, we can ensure that this connection to hope helps any teen who needs Teen Lifeline. 

Learn More

 Donation website: https://teenlifeline.org/
 Twitter: @602248TEEN

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