Donate Bitcoin to The College of Physicians of Philadelphia | The Giving Block

The College of Physicians of Philadelphia


The College of Physicians of Philadelphia

Mission Statement

We are a non-profit medical, educational, and cultural institution with the mission of advancing the cause of health while upholding the ideals and heritage of medicine.

The College of Physicians of Philadelphia is home to America’s finest museum of medical history, the Mütter Museum. Our Museum displays its beautifully preserved collections of anatomical specimens, models, and medical instruments in a 19th-century “cabinet museum” setting and aims to help the public understand the mysteries and beauty of the human body and to appreciate the history of diagnosis and treatment of disease. 

Why Donate to The College of Physicians of Philadelphia?

Your donation helps us reach the public in new and effective ways to disseminate accurate and life-saving information. The historical lessons and stories told in the Mütter Museum, Historical Medical Library, and are integral parts of dispelling medical misinformation and building trust. Our Center for Education is directly working to increase diversity within the medical community, and we are proud to provide hands-on learning and mentorship. By exploring the human body, disease, and treatment, we are encouraging dialogue, questions, and thought that are necessary to make informed decisions around health. 

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