Thrive Women’s Clinic
Thrive Women’s Clinic
Mission Statement
THRIVE WOMEN’S CLINIC PROVIDES CUTTING-EDGE SOLUTIONS: Our life-affirming work includes outreach to women and their partners experiencing unplanned pregnancy. We operate four (4) pregnancy clinics in Dallas County with professional medical care, provide mentoring, host education programs in local schools, and more. All programs are provided at NO COST to the client.
OUR APPROACH: Babies>Families>Communities. Our clinic counselors and medical teams celebrate when a mother chooses life for her baby in our clinic, but our services have evolved into a holistic program to ensure these children are born into strong families and into a community that understands life begins at conception.
Why Donate to Thrive Women’s Clinic?
Women and their partners from the Dallas, TX area need help and they come to Thrive Women’s Clinic to receive it. Thrive provides all of our medical care and services FREE for women that are facing an unplanned pregnancy. Our agency has a $2.1 million budget and we depend on the generosity of others to help meet this critical need. Won’t you help us by donating Cryptocurrency?
Donating cryptocurrency to Thrive Women’s Clinic will make an investment in the lives of others. Clients will receive free pregnancy verification, sonograms and counseling in an environment that is supportive, hopeful and non-judgmental. New mothers and fathers will be equipped through mentors, education sessions and baby goods for their growing family. Middle and high-school students will also receive education. Your gift will help protect the unborn, equip families and strengthen our community.
Accepting cryptocurrency is new to us, but additional funds are needed. Donating cryptocurrency to Thrive will not only help us, but will help you too! Want to know how? First, it feels amazing to give to help others, AND you will be able to receive a tax break by donating to Thrive.
We thank you in advance for giving to help others!
Learn More

TAX ID: 75-1853520 • 501(c)3 • USA

7 donations and counting!

$2,080 raised!
Total donations include contributions from Impact Index Funds – all USD amounts are estimates based on exchange rate at time of transaction and are not reflections of the current value of any cryptocurrency at time of viewing.