Donate Bitcoin to TLC for Kids | The Giving Block

TLC for Kids


TLC for Kids

Mission Statement

We help put smiles back on the faces of sick kids and their families. 

Why Donate to TLC for Kids?

We give relief and much-needed distraction to sick children and their families during stressful and traumatic situations. Whether it’s a one-off hospital visit or a prolonged struggle with illness, we are part of the extended support network for sick children, providing collaborative care and emergency relief. TLC for Kids are always there, giving individualized practical and emotional support, both in and out of hospital, when it’s needed the most.

We know little things make a big difference, so let us help you with an easy tax effective way to donate to our cause.

Save on your taxes whilst you help support our sick kids.

Did you know that high net worth individuals would prefer to donate anything other than cash?

Donating cryptocurrency directly to a Not for Profit is more tax efficient and can even save you money!

The IRS classifies cryptocurrency as property for tax purposes which means it is typically the most tax efficient way to provide meaningful impacts to those in need. When donating crypto, You receive a tax deduction for the fair market value of the crypto, and you avoid the capital gains tax you would have incurred if you had sold the crypto and then made a donation. That means you’re able to donate more, as well as deduct more on your tax return. The difference?
Sometimes more than 30%.

Meaning there may be room in your wallet (crypto, of course) to donate more. Oh, and don’t forget, a larger deduction on your tax return. You will also receive a tax deductible receipt once your donation is complete.

Donating cryptocurrency is a non-taxable event, meaning you do not owe capital gains tax on the appreciated amount and can deduct it on your taxes. This makes Bitcoin and other
cryptocurrency donations one of the most tax efficient ways to support TLC for Kids. Consult with your financial planner to determine your tax benefits.
As we say, Be unique. Donate Crypto. Help a Sick Kid. 

Make crypto one of the greatest forces for good on the planet when you donate to TLC for Kids today!

Organizations on The Giving Block can accept donations of dozens of the world’s leading cryptocurrencies.

Thousands of organizations accept crypto
donations through The Giving Block

Tap into the fastest growing donor demographic and start accepting Bitcoin,
Ethereum and more with the #1 solution for accepting cryptocurrency donations.