Tax Benefit Calculator for Crypto & Stock Donations
Donations of non-cash assets like cryptocurrency and stock can be more tax-efficient than donating cash. Plus the charity receives more.
Why donate crypto or stock?
When you donate appreciated crypto or stock in the U.S., you typically avoid paying state and federal capital gains tax, enabling the charity to receive the full amount (rather than an after-tax remainder). The difference can often exceed 30%—a huge difference for you and the charity you support.
Use this calculator to estimate the tax benefits of crypto and stock donations you make through The Giving Block.
This information is for educational and illustration purposes only, and is not legal or tax advice. Consult an attorney or tax advisor. See more important information and disclaimers here.

Make a difference for a cause you care about, while saving on your taxes.
Donate crypto, stock, or recommend a DAF grant all in one place: The Giving Block’s donor marketplace. With thousands of leading charities to pick from, it’s never been easier to make a tax-optimized donation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which charities accept cryptocurrency or stock donations?
The Giving Block’s donor marketplace features thousands of qualified charitable organizations that accept stock and crypto donations. Find a cause to support.
Will I receive a tax receipt for my crypto or stock donation made via The Giving Block?
Yes. Individuals that donate crypto or stock to qualified charitable organizations via The Giving Block will receive a donation receipt that can be used for tax filing purposes. Choose the “Get receipt” option on the donation form and input an email address.
How do I calculate my capital gains and how much tax I owe on them?
Your capital gains are the difference in the cost basis of an asset at the time of purchase and the realized amount at the time of sale or disposal. These capital gains are taxed at a rate determined by several factors, including how long you held the asset and your total income. Visit the IRS website for more information on capital gains and cryptocurrency transactions.
Important Information and Disclaimers
This tax benefit estimation tool is being provided as general and educational in nature for illustration purposes only. It is not legal or tax advice. The Giving Block is not able to provide tax or legal advice. This tool should not be used as a basis for making tax and charitable donation decisions. You should consult an attorney or tax advisor regarding your specific legal or tax situation.
Please note that the calculator does not take into consideration all potential factors that may impact your potential tax deduction, including: any local taxes on capital gains, the effects of alternative minimum tax, the taxability of Social Security, capital gains being subject to medicare tax for taxpayers over certain income threshold, any impacts from Medicare premiums, reductions to your tax bracket based on deductibility, state rules related to charitable deductibility and capital gains, limitations on itemized deductions that may apply to certain taxpayers, and other factors. To ensure all factors are addressed, please consult with your tax advisor when making decisions pertaining to your specific situation.
You are solely responsible for the accuracy of all information you provide regarding your capital gains rate, state of residency, and the cost basis and fair market value of your non-cash asset. This tool is intended for use by US taxpayers making donations to US-based 501c3 tax exempt organizations; non-US donors should consult local tax advisors regarding any potential benefits.