Crypto Philanthropy: Key Data and Statistics (2021)

by | Dec 2, 2021

What is Crypto Philanthropy?

Crypto Philanthropy is a form of charitable giving by individuals and organizations that support causes with cryptocurrencies instead of cash, stocks, or other asset classes. Just as trading and investing in cryptocurrencies has gained popularity since 2008, the year of Bitcoin’s creation, so has the practice of donating to charities and nonprofit organizations with crypto. In recent years, annual crypto donation volume has risen sharply.

Key Incentives for Crypto Users to Give

All together, these three components incentivize millions of Americans to donate crypto ahead of other donation options. When given the choice to pay taxes to the IRS or donate to a charity they believe in, many will opt to donate their crypto.
Infographic of crypto outperformed the Nasdaq 100

Crypto Donor Demographics

On paper, crypto donors seem to be made in a lab for philanthropic giving. They tend to be young, high-net-worth individuals with strong tax incentives to give.

Infographic of average per capita income of crypto users

Key Crypto Donor Giving Trends

The data below suggests that the average crypto donor is uniquely generous, as compared to the average cash donor.

Infographic of average crypto donation size

Crypto Giving Tuesday 2021 Stats

  • Total amount donated: $2.4M (a 583% increase from Crypto Giving Tuesday 2020)
  • Average donation size: $12,600 (a 20% increase from the average crypto donation in 2021)
  • # of participating nonprofits: 1,017 (up 839% from Crypto Giving Tuesday 2020)

Total donation volume by crypto (top 5):

Crypto RankAmount Donated (USD)
1. Ethereum (ETH)$1,212,687.98
2. Bitcoin (BTC)$885,504.55
3. USD Coin (USDC)$294,431.24
4. Uniswap (UNI)$8,974.11
5. Tezos (XTZ)$5,160.80

Of course, more crypto donations means a greater positive impact on the world. But understanding crypto philanthropy is about more than crunching the numbers, it’s about recognizing the trends and driving factors behind this fast-growing form of charitable giving.

Infographic: Crypto Giving Tuesday Recap 2021 | The Giving Block
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