Donation Donation Form | The Giving Block

What is Balancer (BAL)?

Discover the key facts about Balancer (BAL).

About Balancer

Balancer is a DeFi protocol notable for its automated portfolio manager and trading platform. Conceptually, it somewhat resembles an index fund, in the sense that users can create funds based on their crypto holdings. Unlike an index fund, users don’t pay fees to portfolio managers, they collect fees from other traders using the platform. Balancer offers users the flexibility to create and join private, shared, or smart contract-controlled liquidity pools. Users can earn profits by contributing to pools and by holding its governance token, BAL.

Note: The Giving Block does not currently support BAL donations. See all cryptocurrencies supported by The Giving Block.

Use your crypto for good

Support your favorite cause with a tax-friendly crypto donation. 

If you’ve given cash to charity, you’ll love giving crypto. It’s not only more tax-efficient, it spreads crypto adoption and helps better the world. 

Thousands of charitable organizations use The Giving Block to accept donations of the cryptocurrencies, from BTC, ETH and USDC to APE, DOGE and SHIB. 

Discover the benefits of donating cryptocurrency.

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