How World of Women Demonstrates the Potential of NFT Projects

How World of Women is Demonstrating the Far-Reaching Potential of NFT Projects

by | Dec 23, 2022

World of Women is an NFT collection that aims to create an inclusive, supportive environment in the NFT space while making a positive impact on the world. The collection features the artwork of Yam Karkai and has grown from 10,000 PFPs to become one of web3’s most well-known projects.

The World of Women (WoW) team is passionate about supporting emerging artists, creating diverse art, and increasing inclusion in the NFT and crypto communities. Karkai originally created WoW NFTs in 2021 to address the underrepresentation of women and minorities in the crypto space.

From the very beginning, World of Women has given back to the diverse communities it represents and has made crypto donations from WoW NFT sales to multiple causes that align with the team’s values. Whether it’s supporting women and girl’s rights or ensuring refugees receive critical care, WoW has set a high standard for the type of charitable good that NFT projects can do, while inspiring people throughout the world.

The Variety of Causes World of Women Has Supported

Since 2021, World of Women has donated crypto to nonprofit organizations whose missions align with the collection’s values of creating inclusivity for everyone and championing equal opportunities.

A few examples of donations from 2022 alone include:

  • Donating to the Kyiv Independent and the Wonder Foundation to support the people of Ukraine during a time of war.
  • Participating in a Women & Climate auction and donating the proceeds, a total of 44.1ETH, to several organizations that support climate activism and environmental sustainability worldwide.
  • Donating $120,000 to Outright International to support global LGBTQIA+ rights, as well as committing to a year-long partnership with the organization.

World of Women even created its own emergency fund to help provide humanitarian aid to people living in conflict zones, showcasing how NFT projects can provide support where and when it’s needed the most.

WoW Emergency Fund

In April 2022, World of Women launched the WoW Emergency Fund, pledging $500,000 to support people living in different conflict areas around the world. Five donations were made in total:

  • $100K to Choose Love to support Ukrainian refugees receiving medical care, supplies, food, and legal aid.
  • $100K to Save the Children in Uganda in support of education and healthcare of children, so children had the chance to keep learning and building the future they deserved.
  • $100K to Mercy Corps in Yemen to ensure children continued to receive access to medical care.
  • $100K to CARE in the Gaza, West Bank region to empower women to navigate challenges and reach their full life potential.
  • $100K to Community Partners International in Myanmar to help provide education, health care, shelter, and nutrition to children and their families.

World of Women and Code Green

Beyond supporting the causes above, World of Women also believes that NFTs can play a critical role in fighting climate change. The WoW team sought a sustainability partner to help WoW expand its charitable support to ecological causes, focusing on values of transparency, diversity, and measurable impact.

In December 2021, WoW partnered with Code Green and welcomed Inna Modja to their team as Philanthropy Advisor. Modja is a climate and women’s rights activist, ambassador to the United Nations, and CEO and co-founder of Code Green—a nonprofit that harnesses the power of blockchain technology to address the climate crisis.

Together, WoW and Code Green aim to not only make the current NFT community more diverse and inclusive, but also ensure it acts as a powerful agent for change that makes a difference for future generations.

The Far-Reaching Impact of NFT Philanthropy

World of Women is a trailblazer in the space of NFT philanthropy, showing how art can support a wide variety of charitable causes that are ensuring people are safe, healthy, and empowered. Thanks to World of Women, some people are receiving the help they need while others are now witnessing just how much NFTs can make a difference. 

Want to read more about NFT philanthropy and how NFT fundraising campaigns have helped nonprofit organizations accomplish their critical missions? Download the Rise of NFT Fundraising Report to see how NFT projects are making an impact for multiple causes around the world.

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