Input Output Global Donates 500,000 ADA For Humanitarian Aid in Ukraine

by | Sep 1, 2022

This week, Input Output Global and The Giving Block announced a new initiative that will help provide humanitarian assistance in Ukraine. The initiative, which includes a generous donation from Input Output Global, also allows for ADA cryptocurrency holders to donate to eight charitable organizations committed to providing forms of humanitarian relief to the people of Ukraine. At the time of writing, the global market cap for ADA was $18,298,279,771.

About this cryptocurrency donation: The initiative is designed to draw attention to the continued humanitarian crisis in Ukraine as the war falls down the news agenda, ensuring that much needed aid still reaches organizations working on the ground. Input Output Global is the foundation behind Cardano, a leading smart contract platform and the popular ADA cryptocurrency.

  • This collaborative new initiative was launched to sustain donations for charities in Ukraine.
  • The initiative follows the trend of crypto donations skyrocketing by 1,500% in 2021
  • The launch is accompanied by a 500,000 ADA (fair market value is appx. $250,000) donation from Input Output Global.
  • A similar initiative, The Giving Block’s Ukraine Emergency Response Fund, supports more than 30 organizations that provide humanitarian aid in Ukraine.

What those involved had to say: While this initiative creates more funding for nonprofits to assist a nation in crisis, it also symbolizes the growing power of crypto and the blockchain to make a positive difference in the world.

  • “The power of blockchain and the crypto community to do good in the world shouldn’t be underestimated. Through this initiative, we are all able to provide charities with access to new sources of income which will go a long way to help the people of Ukraine in these incredibly difficult times. We have been to the Polish-Ukrainian border and seen first-hand the fantastic work all the charities are doing to help people affected by the ongoing war and I’m proud that now, through The Giving Block, we can do even more to help them continue to provide humanitarian relief. This doesn’t just apply to the work going on in Ukraine, but can be embraced by charitable causes going on all over the world, ensuring more money reaches those who need it faster.” — Charles Hoskinson, CEO of IOG
  • “We want to thank the entire team at Input Output Global for their generous donation of 500,000 ADA. This donation will be split amongst eight organizations and help thousands of people on the ground in Ukraine by providing life changing resources. Crises across the globe often require continued attention beyond early headlines and we are thankful for the crypto community’s dedication to assisting those affected.” — Pat Duffy, Co-Founder of The Giving Block
  • “Save the Children has supported children and families in Ukraine since 2014 and scaled up services in response to the escalation of violence earlier this year. We will continue working alongside local partners distributing food, water, hygiene items, psychosocial support and cash assistance to children and their families in dire need in Ukraine and the surrounding region. Save the Children is grateful for the generosity and technology of Input Output Global and the collaboration with The Giving Block. We are proud to be part of the Ukraine Emergency Response Fund and one of The Giving Block’s first clients since 2019.” — Ettore Rossetti, Lead Advisor of Digital/Marketing/Innovation at Save the Children

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