Primary Palette
The colors most strongly aligned with our brand.
- Giving Yellow
- HEX #fcd329
- RGB 252, 211, 41
- CMYK 0, 16, 84, 1
- Valhalla 700
- HEX #281b4f
- RGB 40, 27, 79
- CMYK 49, 66, 0, 69
- Valhalla 500
- HEX #5e537b
- RGB 94, 83, 123
- CMYK 24, 33, 0, 52
- Teal 100
- HEX #ceeae6
- RGB 206, 234, 230
- CMYK 12, 0, 2, 8
- White
- HEX #ffffff
- RGB 255, 255, 255
- CMYK 0, 0, 0, 0
- Virtue Violet
- HEX #9a30d4
- RGB 154, 48, 212
- CMYK 27, 77, 0, 17
Secondary Palette
Used alongside our primary colors for illustrations, data visualizations, and other branded assets. All colors shown here in 400.
- Shift Blue
- HEX #136EF6
- RGB 19, 110, 246
- Do-Good Green
- HEX #10B210
- RGB 16, 178, 16
- Big Red
- HEX #FD0133
- RGB 253, 1, 51
- Crypto Orange
- HEX #FF7F00
- RGB 255, 127, 0
Our color system uses a name and number to identify each color and tint/shade. The number system ensures ease of accessibility when designing – any color 400 and under is AA Web Accessible on dark backgrounds, and any color 500 and above is AA Web Accesible on white & light backgrounds.

Expanded Palette – Valhalla (Neutrals)
*Asterisk indicates primary palette color

Expanded Palette – Giving Yellow
*Asterisk indicates primary palette color

Expanded Palette – Teal
*Asterisk indicates primary palette color

Expanded Palette – Virtue Violet
*Asterisk indicates primary palette color

Expanded Palette – Shift Blue
*Asterisk indicates primary palette color

Expanded Palette – Do-Good Green
*Asterisk indicates primary palette color

Expanded Palette – Big Red
*Asterisk indicates primary palette color

Expanded Palette – Crypto Orange
*Asterisk indicates primary palette color