Header Styles
All headers are set in Poppins. On white, or light neutral backgrounds (25, 50), all headers should be set in Valhalla 700 (HEX #281b4f). On dark neutral backgrounds (700 and above), all headers should be set in White (HEX #FFFFFF).
H1 Header
Text Color: #281B4F
Background: #F7F6FC
Font: Poppins
Size: 48px
Line Height: 1.3
Weight: Regular

H2 Subheader
Text Color: #281B4F
Background #F7F6FC
Font: Poppins
Size: 36px
Line Height: 1.3
Weight: 400

H3 Section Header
Text Color: #281B4F
Background: #F7F6FC
Font: Poppins
Size: 28px
Line Height: 1.3

H4 Subsection Header
Text Color: #281B4F
Background: #F7F6FC
Font: Poppins
Size: 18px
Line Height: 1.3
Weight: 600

H5 Small Subsection Header
Text Color: #281B4F
Background: #F7F6FC
Font: Poppins
Size: 16px
Line Height: 1.3
Weight: 600

H6 Eyebrow
Text Color: #281B4F
Background: #F7F6FC
Font: Poppins
Size: 12px
Line Height: 1.1
Weight: 600
Transform: UPPERCASE
Spacing: 1.5px

Body Styles – Marketing Website
For Marketing, our body copy is also set in Poppins. On White or light neutral backgrounds (25, 50), all copy should be set in Valhalla 500 (HEX #5E537B). On dark neutral backgrounds (700 and above), all copy should be set in White.
Body Copy Large
Text Color: #5E537B
Background: #F7F6FC
Font: Poppins
Size: 24px
Line Height: 1.5
Weight: Light

Body Copy Regular
Text Color: #5E537B
Background: #F7F6FC
Font: Poppins
Size: 18px
Line Height: 1.5

Hyperlink – in Copy
Text Color: #9A30D4
Background: #F7F6FC
Font: Poppins
Size: 18px
Line Height: 1.5
Weight: 500
Decoration: Underline

Hyperlink – Standalone
Text Color: #9A30D4
Background: #F7F6FC
Font: Poppins
Size: 14px
Line Height: 1
Weight: 600
Transform: UPPERCASE
Spacing: 1px