Coin profile

Tune.FM (JAM)

Tune.FM (JAM)

Tune.FM is a decentralized music streaming and NFT marketplace. Holders can donate JAM to nonprofits via The Giving Block.



STEPN is a Web3 move-to-earn (M2E) lifestyle app. Users can donate the GMT token to nonprofits via The Giving Block.



Learn the basics about REVV, a motorsport ecosystem based around the concept of Play-to-Earn.

Polkadot (DOT)

Polkadot (DOT)

The Giving Block supports charitable donations in Polkadot (DOT). Donating DOT to charity is fast, secure, tax-efficient, and rewarding!

Rally (RLY)

Rally (RLY)

RLY is an ERC-20 governance token that powers the Rally network and enables content creators to launch fully customizable tokens.